The final price of translation services depends on a series of factors: language to be dealt with, difficulty, volume, and delivery time.

Taking into account these factors, YoTeLoTraduzco will estimate a price for each project, always having in mind the necessities of each client. ASK FOR A QUOTE WITHOUT COMPROMISE. Other factors to be taken into account:


If the client wants the translation of a project or document before 24 hours, there will be a charge in the final price of 40 %.

If the deadline of the translated document oscillates between 24 or 48 hours, there will be a charge on the final price of 25 %. 

In order to determine if a project is considered to be urgent, there must be taken into account that a translator is used to translate about 2500 words per day, apart from the time needed for proofreading, edition, and control of quality.


There will be applicable discounts depending on the work volume and the type of document. These discounts will oscillate between a 5 % and a 20% of the final price.

Take into account the first assignment will have a 5 % discount in the final price.

Remember to point out if your company has been supported by Andalucía Emprende in order to make you a 15- 20 % discount of the final price, depending on the volume of work.

Ask for a QUOTE without compromise to the Project Management Department in order to give you an exact quote of the service you need bearing in mind the applicable discounts.